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Used Cadillac Transmission

Cadillac is a luxury division of automobiles from General Motors. Coming from the Big 3, it held immense market share not only in the United States but also in Canada and China. Also, it is marketed in 34 other automobile markets globally. However, this top-of-the-line luxury model made most of its sales in the United States. It sold close to 400,000 vehicles in 2019 alone. The close connections with other popular brands lend to its interoperability. Hence used Cadillac transmission is pretty much a valuable automobile item any day. Let's look at the evolution of Cadiallac from the lens of engines and transmissions.

Cadillac in 1900-1930

The first ever Cadillac in 1902, the Runabout and Tonneau came fitted with a 3-speed manual transmission. Its 1.6 L engine pulled a horsepower of 7 hp. The Model A launched the next year and added a more luxury cart-like look with similar specifications. Later, the 1905 Model B, Model C, Model D, and Model E came with cosmetic upgrades. The Model F, Model K & M in 1905 came fitted with 2-speed manual transmissions. Similarly, the Model G and Model S & T in 1908 came fitted with 2-speed manual transmissions. Cadillac reverted to 3-speeds in Model Thirty of model years 1909, 1912, and 1914. Later, the 1915 Model 51 came fitted with a 3-speed manual again. Its 5.1 L engine pulled a notable horsepower of 60 hp, reaching a top speed of 70 mph. Later, you had the 1916 Model 53, 1917 Model 55, 1918 Model 57, 1920 Model 59, 1922 Model 61, 1924 Type V63, 1926 Series 314 and 1929 Series 341 B with similar specifications.

Cadillac in 1930s

The major speedsters came in about the 1930s. The 1931 Series 452 A is a classic example. Fitted with a 7.4 L engine, it pumped out a horsepower of 175 hp, reaching a top speed of 90 mph. Later, you had the 1932 Series 370 B pushing for a horsepower of 135 hp. Then, the 1932 Series 452 B pushed for a horsepower of 165 hp and a top speed of 90 mph. Similar heavy horsepower engines again featured in the 1933 Series 452 C. You had another heavy engine in the 1934 Series 452 D. In 1938, Cadillac launched the Series 38-90 7 L engine pushing for a horsepower of 185 hp and a top speed of 93 mph. Similar power and performance repeated in 1939 Series 39-90 and 1940 Series 40-90. Though you don't see the above models on roads anymore, they speak volumes about the emphasis on power and performance. The body layout and transmission model of Cadillac didn't change one bit throughout the 1930s and 1940s.

Cadillac in 1940s

Cadillac introduced automatic transmission in their lineups for the first time in 1941. The Series 41-61 used a 4-speed automatic transmission to power their vehicle. Their 5.6 L engine pumped out an impressive horsepower of 150 hp. Later, you have a more civil-looking 3-speed manual car, the 1941 Series 41-63. They again went back to 4-speed automatic transmission in their 1941 Series 41-67, 1942 Series 42-62, and 1942 Series 42-67. Later, they launched the 1948 Series 60s came fitted with a 5.4 L engine pumping out a massive 160 hp. It reached a top speed of 98 mph and did a 0 to 60 mph in under 16 seconds. The next year, their Series 61 reached a top speed of 98 mph and did a 0 to 60 within 15 seconds. The Series 62 also reached a similar top speed and reached 0 to 60 mph in just over 15 seconds. The 1940s saw the mainstreaming of the 4-speed automatic transmission and the 5.4 L engine pumping a horsepower of 160ish hps.

Cadillac in 1950s

Cadillac first broke the 100 mph top speed mark with their 1954 De Ville (2nd Gen) Series 62. The 4-speed transmission and 6 L: engine, pushed for a horsepower of 285 hp, a top speed of 114 mph, and 0 to 60 acceleration timings of just 11.4 seconds. Later, the Series 75 reached a top speed of 103 mph, easily exceeding the 100 mph mark, and raced from a standstill to 60 miles per hour in just over 15 seconds. The Series 62 released the same year reached a top speed of 105 mph and did a 0 to 60 mph in just 14.5 seconds. Fitted with a 5.4 L engine, it pumped out an immense horsepower of 215 hp. Even better, the 1957 Series 60S reached a top speed of 115 mph and did a 0 to 60 mph in just 12.3 seconds. Its 6 L engine pumped out a massive 275 hp. The faster Eldorado (3rd Gen) launched the same year, reached a top speed of 122 mph, and did a 0 to 60 mph in under 11 seconds. This time, they amped up the horsepower of 325 hp with their 6 L engine.

Cadillac in 1965-1975

Interestingly, the mid-1960s and 1970s saw a dubious trend of using 3-speed automatic transmissions in Cadillac models. They first used the 3-speed automatic in 1965 Fleetwood Model 60S. The 7 L engine pumping out horsepower of up to 308 hp, powered the car to reach a top speed of 121 mph and do 0 to 60 mph in just 9.5 seconds. Even better, the 3-speed automatic powered Calais (1st Gen) reached a top speed of 127 mph and did a 0 to 60 mph in just 8.8 seconds. Slightly upping the power and performance, the Eldorado (8th Gen) using a 7 L engine pumped out a horsepower of 340 hp, reaching a top speed of 127 mph and did a 0 to 60 acceleration in just 8.6 seconds. Later, the 1971 Eldorado (9th Gen) reached a top speed of 117 mph and did a 0 to 60 mph in under 9 seconds. Its 8 L engine pumped out a horsepower of 365 hp. Then, you have the 1975 Seville (1st gen) which had the most sedan-like looks in Cadillac models of up to that time.

Purchase used Cadillac transmission at Turbo Auto Parts

Purchase quality tested used Cadillac transmission only at Turbo Auto Parts. We will ship your product within 2 to 7 working days. Also, you can get a warranty period of up to 3 years and 30,000 miles (whichever is longer). Let's get your Cadillac back on the road again.

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